What I’m obsessing over this week😬😬😬😬

I decided to do a weekly feature on my blog. At first I wanted to do a weekly feature on just music. I love music!!! It’s everything. I can usually remember where I was when a certain song plays. Music is like a soundtrack to my life(not my quote..lol). However I thought I could expand that idea to not only music but whatever is on my mind each week. Let me know what you think….

This week I’m obsessing over music. The song that is on replay is Pentatonix “Can’t sleep love”. I love how they harmonize all without instruments. Check out the song here:

FYI: I do not own the rights to this music. For information only.

Blogging 201: Setting Goals

I’m so excited to be in blogging 201!! I never really thought I would make it this far. Thanks to all the support of my follow bloggers, I feel like I can write. I know I’m not the best but this has been a wonderful start.

Why do I blog?

Blogging has become a outlet for me to be creative. I never thought I was capable of being creative before. My siblings all have a creative side to them. My brothers can draw and paint. My sister made jewelry. I always thought I was missing out til now. I feel like I have something to say and it’s a outlet for me. Most importantly I love the connection with all of the other bloggers. I am learning a lot!!!

If your blog exceeded your wildest dreams, what would that look like?

I would like to post daily. I want to create a weekly feature. I want to check and comment on blogs I follow daily. I would also like to add my other social media links to my blog. Also I want to learn WordPress a little better:). Maybe I would change the look of my blog.. Not sure.

Thanks for stopping by….😊😊😊😊