Share your world-2016 week 33


Would you travel into outer space? I sure would. I want to travel everywhere. How great would it be to have zero gravity!!!
Which country/city in the world (that you have never been to) would you most like to visit and why?  I would love to visit Japan or Thailand. I love the culture and want to learn more about. Plus Toyko just looks amazing!!!!! Bucket list!!!!!!
What could you do to breathe more deeply today? I need to exercise and lose 20 pounds:). That would certainly help me breathe easily. Maybe some yoga would also help relieve some of life’s stress. Although I do find yoga to be difficult.

Complete this sentence: This creamy peanut butter sandwich could really use some …  jelly and toasted bread
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?  I’m grateful for my car shipping without any damage. Phew!!! I’m looking forward to traveling to Lake Constance this week.

Share Your World-2016 Week 32

Hello everyone!!! Here is a another of Cee’s challenge‘s. Stop you her page and do the challenge. I would love to see your answers.  

 Pizza from the neighborhood restaurant  

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? I think I would have to say bread. I love having just having bread and butter. I’m thinking warm and just out the oven. Yummy!!! I’ll also take the pizza in the picture🍕🍕🍕🍕
What is the worst thing you ate recently? It’s actually not something I ate but something I drank. It’s a beer my husband got from the market. It is infused with lemon. I finished it because I can’t waste alcohol.

You are comfortable doing nothing? For long stretches of time? I usually get bored pretty quick. I find I can’t keep still for awhile unless I’m napping. 

List of jobs you think you might enjoy: Even if you aren’t thinking about a career change, it can be fun to think of other jobs you might enjoy.

-Designer.. I like to shop and put things together.


-Makeup artist

-Paid to travel… Wouldn’t that be awesome

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I’m am grateful for our new neighbors. They have been very welcoming with a wealth of information.  I’m looking forward to enrolling in a German class at the community college.

Share your world-2016 week 31


I recently found this share your world challenge here. What a neat way to connect with people from all over the world.

Please check out the challenge. Looking forward to everyone’s answers.


A picture of one of the trails in our neighborhood


What is your favorite part of the town/city you live in. And what Country do you live? I like the slower pace of where we live. It’s definitely in the country. I now live in Germany. We moved from Virginia in June. It is quite the experience with a family of five.

Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day? I would wear a clown wig everyday. I love to color my hair anyway. Purple is my favorite color💜.

Which way does the toilet paper roll go? Over or under? Both ..

What do you do to make a living or during the day? If you are retired what mostly occupies your day? Or if you are a student what are you studying? I am a travel nurse. I just completed a assignment in Dallas. I haven’t taken another assignment since we moved. So I have been home with my kids adjusting to living in a another country.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am grateful that I passed my German driver’s test. I am looking forward to learning my way around.