
Thanks for checking out my life in travels. My name is Adrienne. I am married with three kids. I have been a nurse for 20 years. Lately I have been wondering what my purpose in this world was. I know in my heart it’s to see the world. Crazy right… I know. Now just trying to figure out the how. I appreciate any help. Thank you for stopping by. Hoping to make some new friends.

29 thoughts on “About”

      1. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. Moving to Germany would open up all of Europe as it’s all so close together. All those countries and they are so very different. You would see a lot.


  1. Hey Adrianne,

    What I love about people who like traveling is the fact that they have many experiences and many stories to tell.. hoping to read yours and relate to em in any way possible 🙂 nice blog.. 🙂

    Following you 🙂


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    1. Thanks for following Oza😊. I can’t wait to share. I want to go everywhere. I feel like I have tiny gas bubbles that are pushing me to go. I’m following you also. I love that you are different in world that wants everyone to be the same.

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  2. I was so fortunate in that my dad was in the military so it allowed me to live in Germany and Japan and then in three states by the time he retired. Then I had a job that transferred me so I lived in a few more states. Married a man who only knew Pennsylvania and Florida. His retirement dream was to see all the North American continent. We made a few good trips over the years. But it wasn’t until we had our first grandson that he realized, we’re getting old and better start traveling. So long story short, time flies by….we started at age 60 and have regretted not going at 52 when I retired….he said he was too young so kept working. We thought our quarterly trips was good enough.
    There are traveling nurse jobs. We’ve met a few couples on the road, in an RV so they are doing what we are doing in between job assignments. There are also many homeschooling families on the road in an RV as well.
    If anyone is interested, our travel blog is here: https://thetumblelees.me

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    1. What a great experience!!! Sounds like you have the same love of travel that I do. I have recently stared doing nursing travel assignments. I love the freedom. We also just recently moved to Germany. Quite the experience:)

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